9 months later…

From our last post! Wait, what did you think 9 months was about?

Since we moved the house over to our friend’s garage… We finished it up in a completely exhausting whirlwind with the help of many fantastic people and got it ready in time for the Spring 2017 Home and Garden Show. We were up at 4am the night before the show started getting those final touches done so the house looked extra pretty.

we, however, did not


As some of you know, the show was insane. I used a clicker at a medium-busy time and we guesstimate (who here hates that “word”?) that over 10,000 lovely folks walked through our house that weekend.

It was super neat meeting all you tiny house nerds at the show. By the end of the three days we had gotten our script down to an art and the answers to our most asked questions memorized.

My favourite person who went through the house was this one lady though, who upon stepping in said: “My garden shed is better designed than this.” I asked her why she thought so and she said, “Because at least it can hold a picnic table and a lawn mower.” I love it! Rest assured, our next tiny house we build will have a fold down picnic table and a hideaway lawn mower under the sink.

Here are some fancy pictures of our place (thanks Chris!) for us to collectively fawn over. Some minor changes have been made since we have been living in it for the last 9 months, but we’ll update you on all that later.


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